Wisdom tooth removal

  • Tooth extraction is common for teen and young adults who have impacted wisdom teeth.
  • Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to develop and can often cause over crowding or infection if left unattended.
  • Wisdom tooth usually erupts partially due to lack space in oral cavity, which causes food impaction , gum infection, caries which leads to pain, limited mouth opening.
  • We at our dental hospital suggest removing an impacted tooth can often prevent infection, damage to adjacent teeth and bone .
  • Today, tooth extractions are far less painful than ever before, thanks to the use of anesthetics and sedatives
  • Removal of wisdom tooth will be done using today’s modern equipment with less discomfort.
  • Our dental hospital has the best Oral Surgeons in Vijayawada, who have completed numerous successful dental operations. They are highly qualified and experienced.